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THEME: A generation of women sharing the wonders and the mercies
of the Lord to the next generation in order that the praise and adoration
of the Lord continues.
THE MISSION: To equip women to fulfill their Godly roles in
fellowship and service in the Lord Jesus Christ, according to the Word
of God by the power of the Holy Spirit.
THE PURPOSE: To help us grow spiritually and to serve as unto the Lord and
to point us to a vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ and one another that will overflow into our homes,
on our jobs, in our church and our communities.
GOALS: To Equip Women to Live Godly
Women Seeing the Need for Each Other
Women Breaking Down Barriers
Women Changing Relationships
Ministry Leaders: Sis. Rose Hill and Sis. Antionette Johnson
Join us for our Monthly Bible Study and Fellowship. The womens ministry meets the 4th Saturday of
each month. As women pursue their relationship with God, they will also understand the importance
of building relationships with other women to enrich their own lives and grow personally, as well as
help others understand their God-given worth and purpose.
Women's Bible Study 10 am - 12 pm (Live stream with Zoom and In-Person)
Women's Fellowship - 1:00 pm (Live stream and In-Person)
Please join us in our next bible study, Truthfilled. All are invited, young and old. Any questions
concerning the books, please call the office to talk to Sis Rose Hill, 410-335-7772.

click here

New Bible Study Book starting September 28, 2024
A Study of Faith and Practice
Who am I? The question of identity is always in the back of our minds, and it’s currently at the forefront of social conversations. But the first question we need to ask is: Who is God? Then we can begin to consider, And who am I in light of who He is? In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul describes God as a merciful and forgiving Father who unites us in Christ and empowers us to live by the Spirit. We’re adopted children and fellow citizens with the saints because of God’s loving pursuit on our behalf.
In this 7-session study, Bible teachers, authors, and friends Jackie Hill Perry, Jasmine Holmes, and Melissa Kruger walk through the book of Ephesians, examining the invaluable truths Paul’s letter holds for us today. Along the way, they’ll help us understand the riches of our inheritance as daughters of our heavenly Father, as well as what it means to walk in a manner worthy of our calling.
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